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D18E - 601& D11H - 345 or freight train run along the cliff shoreline
The D11H - 345 locomotive
Couple : D11H - 345 & D11H - 339 run across railroad crossing
D18E - 613 , D11H - 339 also freight train run out of tunnel
D11H - 339 & D11H - 357
D19E - 901 , D11H - 345 also container train run through tunnel
D19E - 950 or SE6 train run into tunnel
D19E - 907 or container train run into tunnel
Train had three locomotives
D19E - 939 drew SE4 train run along the cliff shoreline
D18E - 615 & D12E - 653 or freight train run into tunnel
D18E - 610 & D11H - 339 or container train